Libraries idea

Just had what I think is a cool idea for libraries. You used to be able to read microfiche on machines in some libraries. The advent of pdfs and the digitisation of records, coupled with the existence of mini PCs and SBCs presents interesting possibilities.

It should be possible to create an app that relies on a REST API to access and download pdfs to local storage for library users. Libraries could use cloud storage for the files, with library passwords and API keys for authentication and authorisation (such as age verification if needed).

Search could probably be supported through the use of Elastic, though I suspect that the larger cloud providers support this out of the box. Azure offers government pricing and is, I believe, used by the MoD making it a potential choice of provider.

I personally have a large library of pdfs that I have discussed building a frontend for with my colleagues. This library has been invaluable while completing my Computing and IT degree with the OU as it has allowed me to include useful references and read beyond the course texts more easily than even the OU library does.

Of course, this does lead to the point that most libraries already support web based search and the downloading of books to local apps. The focus for these, however, is novels rather than documents. They a;so have a learning curve that could be reduced if readers were using them within a library itself.

On the basis of the above, I believe such an app could be of use. That said, I suspect the best way to prove this would be to build my own prototype. Given that I’m due to start my final year research project in January 2024, this definitely goes in the pot as a potential candidate for that project, if I can wait that long…

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